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Author: a_foreign_affair Subject: Show Talk -Aya -Aziza -Paola -Alina

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Registered: 01-28-2014

posted on 01-28-2014 at 16:55 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Show Talk -Aya -Aziza -Paola -Alina

I don't think Aziza, really likes Mike, and kind of makes me wonder about her. Not sure if its just how they edited the show and that's why it came across like she is. I think its odd her eating issues, plus she is 21. But I don't see good things for those two. And they said on the show that she tried to get a work visa to the US and got denied and then she decided that her and Mike should get serious. Plus just the way she comes across around him, his family, etc seems more then just getting settled.

My two favorite couples are Russ and Paola, and Alan and Kirlyam. From the show I don't know if Russ in the long run will be able to handle Paola's out going personality, and quirks. I think he is kinda a mommas boy, and from what I have seen 3 shows in, he seems like he likes to be seen with a beautiful woman, and likes the attention, but I don't know. I hope they make it because I love Paola and her energy and watching her. Maybe they could get their own spin off show?? lol I think she is spunky and fun enough to capture peoples attention. And Kirlyam is so cute and sweet and it is so fun to watch her experience new things. Its almost like a child getting new toys, and learning new things. I think her and Alan make a cute couple. But this last show it seems he is a bit insecure about her modeling, and along in the first show with her johnny deep attraction.

Also, Louis, and Aya..WHEW where to start. I really think Aya has a good head on her shoulders, but Louis really needs to grow a back bone and tell his ex wife Toyna that yes, she is still the mom of their boys, but she needs to butt out, and worry about herself. I really think she overstepped the bounds when they all went out to dinner and shes talking to Aya about if she is on birth control, and Louis says right away "she is on birth control" I was like WHAT!?%# Louis really should have told Toyna right then and there to back off and its none of her business. It shows Toyna's husband there, so she has moved on in her life and needs to butt out. Its one thing to want to meet the other person that is going to be in you childs life,but a while other ball game to try and run the two adults life and relationship. Just crazy, and Louis is going to have issues getting close to ANY woman when he lets his ex dictate and run things like that. When it showed those boys jumping and thrashing on the bed like they were I was waiting on Luis to step up and tell the boys to knock it off, because they are both way to big to be rough housing and jumping on the bed like that. Also it shows them running around and hitting things and playing way to rough to be acting like that indoors, and its their parents job to teach them and tell them to knock it off!! And Louis made the comment that they do that and act like that for hours on end, and unless one of them gets hurt, there is nothing for him to do, but go in another room and watch tv. I was like "what the hell" they are acting like animals, and you could tell that Aya didn't know what to think, or say and she knew that the boys should not be acting like that, but what could she do?? I don't see them working out. I wish Aya could of maybe found Mike that's with Aziza would have been a better match for each other. imo.

But I cant wait to keep watching. I do have some questions, how do visas, or citizenship work?? If they get married, and after they are married for a certain period of time, can they then apply for visa's and then bring their families over to the US as well?? I am curious about how that part works. And I don't understand the people, such as Mikes family, and as well as that Toyna girl talk about and say things like "oh she just wants to get married to you to get her visa. What is the big deal about getting a visa?? I mean, I understand that they will get to live and work for good in the United States, but what is the big deal about that?? I am sure some countries are not the greatest to live and work in, and some governments most likely surpress womans rights, but I don't get why someone would want to leave their whole family behind just to be able to live and work in the US. I would love to know your thoughts and feelings on that because I was born in the US and lived here all my life, so I might not understand that part as well as others whom have not.
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posted on 01-30-2014 at 06:00 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
My take on things

I'm not sure any of these relationships will make it to the altar.

I think Ross' family & friends see Paola as a gold digger. She thinks nothing of spending his money right & left. She's a big city party girl stuck in a small town. I don't think she'd be happy for long.

Azziza & Mike have zero chemistry. She seems very manipulative and he seems very desperate for anyone.

I also have a feeling that Alan is going to want Kirlyam to stop modeling. He seems very insecure. And the modeling may wake Kirlyam up to a whole new world that Alan just doesn't fit into.

I felt bad for Aya. Louis' ex-wife wants control of his relationships & he seems to let her have her way. The way she spoke to Aya was downright rude. Unless Louis can stand up to his ex and his kids there's no hope for this relationship.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By laini (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-01-2014 at 23:35 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
My thoughts

I do have to sympathize with Paola about having to live with his family. I doubt she bargained for that, and I know if I were to go to a foreign country where I didn't know customs, etc., I'd feel really, really uncomfortable. And she seems very outgoing, to put it mildly.

Mormon guy has a chaperone. Oh boy, did she know about this beforehand? And she's so enamored with the whole Hollywood thing. And he's overly jealous. I could see that creeping out in just the first day. He's going to be a control freak wanting to know her every move. If she gets modeling jobs, he's going to be stalking her to every assignment.

Aziza (Russian) strikes me as the one who is using the guy to get to America. Her work visa was denied, so she's got her ticket in if she marries him. I don't see any sparks of interest from her. He seem so insecure.
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posted on 02-06-2014 at 13:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Is this show realistic?

Personally, I feel sorry for all these couples to some extent. You can imagine all the challenges that come up during the 90 Day Fiance process that are tough enough to get through without having cameras all up in there. I am sure none of these couples had any idea how invasive and contrived this experience would be. Also - most of the couples are young, with limited life and relationship experience, making the 90 Day Marry or Go Home scenario even riskier and more confusing. Add to that the lack of support and green-card scam paranoia of parents, friends, business partners and one particularly... God, what word even describes Louis's ex... well, anyway you get the idea. These couples are young, their whole lives ahead of them, and everywhere they go they will be categorized and scrutinized as whatever TLC paints them out to be. Yes, they obviously signed up for this, but can you imagine the silly and offensive things people will say about them, wherever they go, for who knows how long?

Too many people have adopted the American Redneck "If-You-Ain't-From-Around-These-Parts-Then-Go-Back-To-Where-Yer-From" mantras, believing the media portrayal of Non-Americans as desperate, poor urchins living in mud huts waiting for a Neanderthal to come and rescue them. Our media has us convinced that anyone who is not American is suffering from poverty and ignorance and would do anything - including marry a foreigner and relocate sight unseen - to escape. I have worked with thousands of international couples where the men were American and the women foreign. When I first saw this show, I thought "Great! Now people will learn a little about the customs of other countries, and learn that love is completely universal, knows no boundaries, blah, blah blah." Now, I fear "90-Day Fiance" will be little more than another staged misrepresentation of an experience that thousands of cross-cultural couples go through successfully every year.

Would this show have turned out differently if most of the couples were older? Because most couples who apply for a 90-Day Visa are older. Why did TLC intentionally pick young couples? Did TLC foresee the conflicts with Russ and Mike's family? Or with Louis's ex? Or Len's attractive, condescending (and female) best friend. Aziza is a popular target by "mail-order-bride" haters in forums all over the internet. The hate is pouring out of women everywhere. Aziza is 21!! Drop your life, your family, your friends, leave behind everything familiar and go half way around the world where you have none of that and cannot do any of the things you could do in your home country - drive, work, have a bank account - and top it all off with a heaping spoonful of "Oh by the way, my parents can't stand you." Sure - who wouldn't want to that. Damn it, Aziza - you dissed your future mother-in-law's potato salad! You ungrateful ****! And - AND - you won't have sex on camera just because TLC wants you to! Well it just so happens Mike's out there talking to two attractive girls - who knows how THAT happened. Are you gonna just stand for that?!! All of Mother Russia is depending on you!!!


What these couples are trying to do is very hard in a best case scenario. I thought I read a spoiler that says all couples got married. I hope so - and I hope that they continue to hold on to each other. Most of all, as the men watch this show, I hope they realize the infinite opportunities they dropped to be the man their fiancées needed. Loving, supportive, providing, protecting... I hope what went on behind the scenes in the hours and hours of film that did not make the cutting floor, was more representative of what strong men do when they truly love someone.


View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By a_foreign_affair (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-07-2014 at 08:48 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Aziza should be treated better.AYA too.


AZIZA is not fond of food.
AYA is treated as an invisible person.:0
Paola is obsessed with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Kirlyam is a sweet, smart, and treated the best of all the 90Day Fiance`s
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posted on 02-07-2014 at 08:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
If Paola wants stuff she needs a job yes?

'I do have to sympathize with Paola about having to live with his family. I doubt she bargained for that, and I know if I were to go to a foreign country where I didn't know customs, etc., I'd feel really, really uncomfortable. And she seems very outgoing, to put it mildly.

Mormon guy has a chaperone. Oh boy, did she know about this beforehand? And she's so enamored with the whole Hollywood thing. And he's overly jealous. I could see that creeping out in just the first day. He's going to be a control freak wanting to know her every move. If she gets modeling jobs, he's going to be stalking her to every assignment.

Aziza (Russian) strikes me as the one who is using the guy to get to America. Her work visa was denied, so she's got her ticket in if she marries him. I don't see any sparks of interest from her. He seem so insecure.
' :D
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posted on 02-11-2014 at 13:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I think Alan has psycho future abuser written ALL OVER HIM. He's so insecure - he flips out while she's at a photo shoot. Um, she's WORKING. Like you should be at WORK instead of flipping out about her not being able to get to the phone. And then freaking out about all the "men" staring at her. Um those are likely art and photography directors concerned about the quality of the shot, they're not checking out your lady. They do this all day. They need to ensure they're getting what they need out of the photograph.

This kills me because Kirylam is by far my favorite - she is STUNNING and her personality is SO warm and adorable. I hope she figures out some day that she is WAY out of his league. I don't think he's "protecting her" at ALL. He's trying to scare her out of doing stuff he doesn't want her doing because he is jealous.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By yellowlovesgray (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-13-2014 at 10:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
prenup... what prenup...

i'm sorry, but all these girls deserve way better than these guys. the only exception might be Alina because i think len wants to love her right. he's a little harsh at times but for the most part, it seems he does love her and wants her to be ok. unfortunately, it seems only alan's family is onboard with the whole mail-order-bride thing.

i can't imagine what it must be like now for all these couples to watch the show and see what everyone has been saying about them or who was saying what behind someone's back... it's just getting so tabloid.

is rus the only one who did a prenup? what does a prenup typically involve?
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posted on 02-13-2014 at 10:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
So, about that prenup.

Typically, a prenup is a popular idea for couples doing a 90-Day Fiance. Men obviously want to protect their personal assets, women want to have some protections in case things don't work out. If you're considering one for your 90-Day Fiance, keep these things in mind:

1. You must translate it into her natural language.

2. Any prenup that is one-sided will not likely stand up in court if you ever need it to. Make sure it is balanced and fair.

3. Don't wait until the last minute. Many cultures allow divorce far more easily than here in the states, and prenups are not commonly done. For example, in Ukraine where Alina is from and in Russia where Aziza is from, prenups are generally unheard of. So when you introduce the idea to your 90-Day Fiance, you'll want to do it tactfully, with respect, and give yourselves plenty of time to discuss it.

Probably a good idea to consult an attorney if you own your own business like Len does or have major assets or adult children-inheritance matters to attend to.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By a_foreign_affair (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 02-13-2014 at 11:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
It's Reality TV alright...

As I think about this, some of what we are obviously watching is all of these girls seeing the realities of each guy's life in America, something that was probably not real apparent during their 6 month 90-Day Fiance period and their courtship, right? Aziza obviously had no idea Mike's family was so opinionated about foreigners. Paola had no idea Rus lived with his parents. Kirlyam did not know Alan was so insecure. And it's safe bet Aya had no idea Louis's ex was so... was so...

If TLC is planning a second season for this show, one has to wonder how many couples will want to subject themselves to this kind of reality... although it seems according to the FB page for ther show, a lot of couples are volunteering for the next one.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By a_foreign_affair (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 02-19-2014 at 13:33 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
The real reality of Aziza, Aya, Alina...

Interesting that Len and Alan...maybe Rus, seem financially ready for the opportunity, the others not so much. In a perfect world I like to think that love is more important than money but one thing you have to think of is all these girls had lives, jobs, incomes of some kind before they came here. If they wanted something, they's go and buy it - within reason of course. A little unfair to label them gold-diggers when they have no ability work here at first and obviously have no personal cash flow. It's unfortunate for Louis and Rus to have to negotiate costs of wedding dresses and wedding elements on camera. Poor peeps. Guys doing a fiance visa should be realistic. I bet of you asked any of these girls what they wanted a year ago they would probably have said "I want everything I have right now, plus a husband. So, what do I have now? A place to live, a job, the ability to pay my bills, my own bank account. I can shop for clothes or buy lunch or go on a holiday if I want to - all within reason. I want those simple things, plus a loving husband and family." I believe that's what they all would have said if you'd have asked them why they are doing this 90-Day Fiance thing a year ago.

Let's admit it, folks - most of us haven't a clue what daily life in other countries is like. Take Ukraine, for example. (Len's Alina is from Ukraine.) Google "civil war in Ukraine" sometime. Most Americans would be flattened beyond disbelief at the amount of crap intelligent, university educated women have to put up with in daily Ukrainian life. Ladies, can you imagine working 18 hour days, days at a time, for $300 per month where the average rent is $400? Can you imagine having to put "No Intimate Relations" on your resume when you apply for a job to signify you won't "negotiate" your way into a job? Did you know that every day people are protesting and dieing for the right to live free of police corruption just hundreds of miles from where the Olympics are being held right now? That a woman would look ahead and choose to meet someone from a country where women and children are protected, where labor laws are enforced, when humans are valued - that doesn't make anyone a bad person and it doesn't mean they're "green-card golddiggers." It simply means they chose to fall in love with someone who can and will protect them. And I think that is why the women come off as being naive or vulnerable sometimes. In their culture, they would be. If American women really understood the struggles of foreign women - the kinds of behaviors towards women that are correctly not tolerated in any modern society but still tolerated in places like Ukraine, Russia, the Philippines, China and others - I really believe American women would try to do more to empower their sisters and not be so judgemental toward them or the men who choose to reach out to them.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By a_foreign_affair (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-20-2014 at 06:07 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
she's just not into you

it doesn't seem like any of these women are into these guys
Russ is the most effeminate Oklahoma man I've ever seen, other than a US citizenship and hope for better times can't see what any of them have in common.
Clearly these are guys who can't get American women
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posted on 02-23-2014 at 14:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

People need to understand that these girls come from different cultures. Many are not allowed to show affection in public, so it may appear that they're not into their fiancé. You also have to understand that they have cameras on them and they probably don't want the world to think they're a ho.
My wife is from a different country and we laugh at what goes on with these couples. We can see a lot wasn't discussed on how each one lives, finances, family, etc. This show makes a lot of drama on how the process works. 90 days is more than enough time to marry. Planning was lacking from day 1 with these folks.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Dachs (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 03-04-2014 at 19:07 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I can say with all sincerity that I am CREEPED OUT by the obsessiveness of the crazed Mormon. He is all about control, and is very insecure. She will come to resent his interference, and creepy control issues. Girl run back to Brazil, get away from the "temple"...ugh, poor thing. Mind control!

Now the 48 year old with the 23 year old....seriously, come on now man! If any of the women were looking for a ticket, she is it. I give you all less than 18 months, and she is out of your house, with someone her own age. Man you are old enough to have fathered her. NASTY!
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posted on 03-12-2014 at 14:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Sometimes Men Try Too Hard

I think Alan really does love Kirlyam. I do think he overdoes the caring/provider/protector thing. Kirlyam does seem a bit naive and ineperienced and I think she appreciates Alan's protective nature. Look, this guy is harmless. Look at him, for crying out loud, in a worse case scenario Kirlyam could thoroughly kick his butt. Quit labeling the Mormon faith as a David Koresh type cult where people are brainwashed and not allowed to leave their domiciles. Kirlyam will be fine. Alan will take care of her, he loves her. He's just insecure and himself ineperienced in relationships.

Also - don't trust that there wasn't a whole lot of experience left on the cutting room floor. It takes weeks of straight filming to get 3 - 4 episodes.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By a_foreign_affair (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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