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Author: danno Subject: Scams After Arrival
Junior Member

Posts: 16
Registered: 09-13-2006

posted on 09-22-2006 at 09:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Scams After Arrival

Gentlemen, the focus is on scams via letters and rightfully you all need to be aware of it as it escalates yearly. However, also be aware of scams from your K1 fiance once she arrives in the U.S. There are obvious scammers and there are professional scammers. They are the ones who gather your trust completely, you fall in love, you travel to Russia, you go through the K1 process, you marry. Then BAM, her true motivation sets in, and that is a green card. However, in my case with my ex-russian wife, she was extremely clever. For the 2 years waiting for her card, she professed her love and was an excellent wife when around me, at the home and social gatherings. Little did I know that behind the scenes she was maintaining secret bank accounts, seeing other men while I was at work, contacting other russian women and men who lived here and got extensive advice on U.S. immigration laws, forms, time schedules etc. The very week she received her green card, she was gone and moved in with another guy she had been seeing behind my back. She evetually left him too after she realized he was not going to give her a "free" ride at his house. He was caucasion. Now she's living with an african-american because he gives her a "free" ride monetarily (if you catch my drift).

Okay, you may say I made a mistake, didn't check her out well. However, that is not the case. We conversed 14 months before I made the trip. I also had a very close russian female friend speak with her extensively via telephone looking for the slightest hint of lie or deception. Additionally, when she arrived here for the 3 month period prior to marriage, this russian female friend and two of her friends spent numerous hours with my fiance socializing, quizzing, testing her sincerity. Let's just say they got fooled (and they admit it) just like I did. That's how good of an actress by ex-russian wife was and is to this day. She could easily fool me, the american, but she easily fooled women of her own country who had lived in the U.S. for 5 years and are married to american friends of mine. I just want you men to know that the scam can be prior to and after the fiance process and marriage.

Recently I ran into a american guy working at a major retail outlet. He said he just married a woman from Russia and asked if I'd like to meet her, and give both advice. I said sure. Well, she showed up at the restaurant, but he did not as he got called to work. The FIRST words out of her mouth were "how long before I get a green card, and then can I leave my husband for someone else". I about fell out of the chair. Of course, she asked me not to say anything to him. I told her the meeting was over and yes I would speak to him. I did and he was at first in denial, but the "reality" set in quickly.

So please gentlemen, use extreme caution. I've been trhough so much heartache and misery from her. The toll on me on been emotional, mental and DEFINITELY financial. I truly don't want any of you to experience what I have experienced.

Warning signs: well she was overly eager to work and make money, overly eager to drive and learn the metro area, overly eager to write down on a calendar the exact dates for filing documents, waiting periods, overly eager to establish contact with other russians, overly eager to learn immigration policy, overly enthused about bigger houses, nicer cars and trips, overly excited about nice clothes and cosmetics. Never wanted to speak english when on the telephone with other russian women and/or men as I would not understand the russian conversation yet she spoke english and so did they.

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